Welcome to My 'Blog

Welcome to My 'Blog

Thursday, December 02, 2010


I don't even know what to say.  It's like, you wake up in the morning and think you've seen the worst of it and you're just grateful to have survived, and then somebody projectile-diarrheas in your mouth.  I'm obviously not averse to using profanity to express myself, but I don't know a cuss word bad enough to truly capture the essence of how I feel right now.  If you know what's going on, great.  If you don't, I'm sorry.  I have neither the time nor the energy to explain it.  It's not my grandfather, just so we're clear.  Not yet, anyway.  

I just wonder some days how anybody can actually believe in karma when the scales seem so biased toward everything just falling apart.  I don't know, maybe some people are just dumb enough to believe it when other people piss in their ear and tell them it's raining.

It helps me when I think that Job is the first book of the bible chronologically.  It's like God wants to make sure we're all aware of the situation before we get into the rest of it.  I'm kinda glad he gave us an example of someone who had the mother of all bad days, because it's like a post it note that says "I know how bad it gets.  Trust me.  I love you.  God"

I'm going to bed now.  Maybe I'll 'blog about this later.  Maybe not.  At this point, I'm doing good just to hold on to my commitment of posting every day and be honest about my feelings.  I'd apologize for annoying and/or boring and/or disappointing you with my lackluster content, but I honestly just don't have the emotional bandwidth to care right now.

Goodnight and God bless.

- Pairsh -

"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return.  The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."

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