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Welcome to My 'Blog

Monday, August 29, 2011


Steve Jobs announced on Wednesday that he was stepping down as CEO of Apple and Seth Godin wrote a 'blog about it.  Being neither a tech-guy nor a sports guy, the Joe DiMaggio analogy was somewhat lost on me from both ends.

But then I did some reading about it.
And then I did some thinking about it.
And then I went to a going-away party for my friend Johnny Shortstuff and his goodwife Sara.
And I have all new thoughts and questions now.
What does it mean for someone to have profoundly impacted your life and then "move on?" 
Are there words strong enough to capture the magnitude of that person's significance to you? 
What should your response to their decision be? 
How do you let them know that the simple matter of their existence in your world has top-to-bottom-revolutionized the way you do business? 
Is it possible to over-state the difference that they've made?

How do you resign yourself to accept that this is necessary and good for them and a natural step in the right direction for their life?
To tell the truth, I don't have a clue.

But I think that, whatever you do, it should be honest and meaningful and overflowing with gratitude.

And I hope I did that tonight.

I love you guys.

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