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Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Big Announcement

For the everyone except the two or three of you that actually noticed and gave a crap/remember, I teased out some "big announcement" a few weeks ago on my Facebook like I was bringing the circus to town or something.  Essentially, I was hoping to bait everybody into caring that I was going to be selling a bunch of stuff because I really want to get rid of a lot of "things" that I've accumulated over the years.  It's not like I'm some hoarder that needs a TV crew to come and throw away all my empty cereal boxes and dead cats, but if I go through all of my books and movies and computer games, etc. there are several of them that I haven't even looked at in a long time (some I never even opened) and probably never will.  Plus, I'm trying to shake things up in my life and get out of this mostly-sedentary, insulated way of existing that I've gotten so used to, so cleaning house and getting rid of stuff is a good step in that direction.  Besides all of that, I'm trying to get out of debt, so the extra money will definitely help.

I'm going to work this in four phases.  First, I know it's probably not gonna get much traffic/interest, but I'm gonna work it garage-sale style, minus the garage. I'm putting up this post and a couple others on my Twitter/Facebook accounts to let you and all my other friends know what's going on and hoping you've got an extra couple of dollars you're wanting to blow on some slightly-used stuff.  I am literally willing to sell anything and everything I own (assuming that the right price can be agreed upon) up to and including, but definitely not limited to, my bed, my computer (desktop), my DVD collection, my pet fish, my artwork, my N64, my art supplies, my clothing, my posters, my fish tank and my guitar.  Some of this stuff I'm fairly attached to (particularly the guitar and a couple of the posters), but assuming you want it bad enough to pay good money for it, I'd be willing to work something out.  Let me know if you want to swing by and take a look-see at any of it.

Second phase is gonna be listing out my DVD/CD/book collection on here, basically as a virtual garage sale.  I'll link everything to Amazon.com so you can get product descriptions from them, but it's gonna take me a while to put together all those lists, so you'll have to wait and run the risk that some weirdo actually wanted to come to my apartment and bought up all the good stuff.  So if you like bargains and are lazy, this might be a good option for you.

Third phase is gonna involve putting stuff up on eBay and Craigslist and sell it that way.  It'll be open to a broader audience, and it'll probably go quick once it gets up there, so you probably don't wanna wait 'til then to ask if I still have any movies or games left.

Fourth, whatever doesn't sell I'm just gonna take to consignment shops and get whatever pocket change they'll throw my way for it.  I'll probably haul most of it to Half-Price Books, so you might see it pop up there if you're a frequent Half-Pricer (I am, which is partially how I ended up with some of this stuff, anyway).  Anything remaining will probably head to Goodwill and/or my dumpster.

So, anyway... I guess the bottom line is that I really want to get rid of a bunch of stuff and I don't want to throw things away.  I know it's not really "cool" to buy stuff used, but I'm slowly starting to realize that a.) I don't really care what's "cool" anymore because b.) it's not really "expensive" to buy stuff used, either.  I know that most of my friends are just about as broke as I am, but I'm not expecting this stuff to go high-dollar, either.  For example, I have a jar of paper clips that I'd be willing to sell for 50 cents.  There's probably a hundred or so paper clips in there and the jar doesn't stink or anything... I just can't bring myself to throw away a perfectly good jar filled with perfectly good paper clips.  Deep down inside, I know that somewhere there's a guy with two pieces of paper that he just can't manage to keep together and he would be willing to shell out two quarters to get rid of the headache.  All's I gotta do is find him...

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